Hypoallergenic Doodles – Everything You Need to Know
If you love dogs but need to keep your distance because of allergies, a Doodle might be a great choice. This article will tell you everything you need to know about what it means for a dog breed to be hypoallergenic and why the Doodle breeds are worth considering if you’re looking for a loyal companion, but without the sneezing and itchy eyes.
What are doodles?
The doodle breeds are good-looking, and often cute dogs that are regularly chosen for their hypoallergenic qualities. Every doodle shares a common ancestor in the poodle, a dog breed with a curly coat that produces very little fallout, at least until it’s time for brushing.
Curly coats can hold on to shed fur and dander, making Doodles a great choice for people sensitive to pet hair and dander.
There are different types of Doodles, depending on the dog breed that is crossed with a poodle. The earliest example of a Doodle is thought to have been a “Cockapoo,” a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle born in the 1940s.
The Doodle’s popularity has exploded since then, as breeders quickly combined other dog breeds in their attempts to bring out the best qualities of both parents.
Popular Doodle Dog Breeds
Here are just a few of the popular Doodles you can consider having as your next best friend.
Goldendoodles from reputable breeders are a very healthy breed. They are medium-sized, low-shedding dogs with thick, curly coats and lovely temperaments.
The Labradoodle is cool, calm, and collected, as well as highly intelligent and extremely loyal. If you love to explore the world around you, the Labradoodle will not like to be left behind. Because they shed very little, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions.
The Schnoodle is small and cute. They have very few equals when it comes to being hypoallergenic because neither parent sheds. They are an intelligent but serious breed, so they need a person with a strong personality to handle them.
Sheepadoodles are a fun-loving, mild-mannered breed of dog always looking for fun. They possess a low-shedding coat that requires daily brushing and regular visits to the salon to manage.
Loving and affectionate, the Cockapoo gets its adorable nature from the friendly and loyal Cocker Spaniel, and its high intelligence from the Poodle. These low-shedding dogs thrive on companionship and do not like to be left alone for long.
Cockapoos are extremely popular, and so they are overbred by opportunistic breeders. Always do your due diligence and only deal with a reputable dealer.
The Doodle breeds listed above are just a small selection of what’s available. There are many more to choose from, so be sure to call to find out more.
Are Doodle Breeds Really Hypoallergenic?
The term hypoallergenic doodle is not the same as “non-allergenic,” even though it is often mistaken for meaning the same thing. Saying a dog is hypoallergenic is not a guarantee that a person will not have an allergy to a Doodle. It simply means a reaction is much less likely because doodle breeds do not shed as much as other dogs. The term hypoallergenic doodle is really a misnomer.
There are only 12 truly hypoallergenic breeds according to the AKC.
Shedding is much less in Doodles when compared to many other breeds, but it can vary between different types of Doodles. As such, you will need to carefully consider which Doodle is right for you relative to how sensitive your allergies are to dogs.
Also keep in mind that all Doodles produce dander, which is an allergen for people who are allergic to dogs. There are also those who will have allergic reactions to a dog’s drool or urine proteins, which usually means a dog is not in your future. However, if your dog allergy is relatively mild, a Doodle could be a good match for your home.
The Truth About Pet Allergies
People allergic to pets with fur often associate their allergies with the fur itself. However, an allergy is not triggered by an animal’s fur but by the proteins found in their pet dander (dead skin cells).
The dander, which is the true cause of your allergic reaction, gets trapped in the fur. The more fur a dog sheds, the more exposure you will have to potential allergens.
It’s for this reason that dog breeds that experience minimal shedding are considered hypoallergenic. All dogs shed dead skin cells, which means there are no truly hypoallergenic dogs. However, some come pretty close, especially in the Doodle variety.
How to Choose a Hypoallergenic Doodle
Due to the wide variety of breeds getting crossed with poodles to create all manner of Doodles, knowing the genetics of a Doodle breed will help you make the best choice.
A first-generation Doodle is a purebred, and these typically have more open coats than Doodles with woolly coats more like a Poodle’s.
Open-coated Doodles shed more fur than their woollier counterparts. The most hypoallergenic Doodle breeds are those that are sired by crossing a first-generation Doodle with a purebred Poodle.
Another great way to find your perfect Doodle is to spend some time with the type that interests you the most. This way, you can gauge your reaction to the animal before you decide to take one home.
How Much Do Doodle’s Shed?
While Doodle breeds are popular for their minimal shedding, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any at all. Curly-coated Doodles can create the illusion of no shedding, but that’s because their coat is good at trapping the dropped fur and dander.
The trapped material will come out during washing and brushing, so you need to be mindful of that when selecting a suitable Doodle breed for your allergies.
How Often Do I Have to Groom My Pet Doodle?
Doodles shed more the longer they go without being brushed. Regular brushing is an excellent way to control the volume of loose fur and dander you are exposed to between grooming sessions. Keeping the fur short can also help control the amount of hair a Doodle drops.
Many Doodle owners reduce their exposure to allergens by getting their pets professionally groomed rather than doing it themselves. We recommend having your Doodle professionally groomed at least three or four times a year to ensure they can enjoy a healthy, trouble-free coat.
How often you need to groom your Doodle will depend on how long their fur is. Longer coats require more care, so keeping them short can reduce the frequency of brushing.
Certain situations can cause a Doodle to shed more than usual. Some medications can exacerbate shedding. Your pet may also have allergies of their own that cause them to lose more of their coat than usual. Like people, Doodles can be allergic to some of the ingredients in their food, so watch your pet closely after any dietary changes.
While hypoallergenic does not mean what many people think it means, there are still a lot of advantages to having a low-shedding dog as your companion. Doodles are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and temperaments. If your allergies have stopped you from getting a dog in the past, a Doodle could be a great solution. Call today for professional advice about how to get a Doodle into your life.